I'm not hating it here, or even feeling "homesick" per se, but I really miss Michigan today.
I wish I could have lived in Grand Rapids when I wasn't in school. There was so much I didn't do or see or get involved with because I was just too busy trying to finish college. Like, The Bloom Collective-- so awesome! I lived like, four blocks from this place, I never once stepped foot inside. I've been exposed to a lot of new (to me) and radical ideas since being in Baltimore, and I hate to think that if I had just had more of a chance to step outside of the Calvin box while I was in GR, I could have started this political/spiritual journey much sooner.
I miss summertime-- biking streets I knew like the back of my hand; breathing fresh, green air; the breeze through my open windows; living on James; eating Brick Road Pizza like, 3 times a week. Seeing my mom and my sisters whenever I wanted. Fresh bread from the bakery across the street.
I miss having a Michigan accent and fitting in with everyone. (It's weird that I grew up here and I don't have a Maryland accent. I feel a little bit like a poser...) What used to be "Hi, how are ya?" has become "How you doin'" or "How are y'all?". Every once in awhile I'll here myself slip into my Michigan voice, and it secretly makes me happy. :)
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